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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

October 27th 2017, 6:47 pm
Dominants: Poison and Toxic
Members: Alexandra, Bleach, Cindy, Eclipse, Firework, Fumble, Gali, Garnet, Honeybee, Hope, Jazz, Jonna, Jynx, Lewa, London, Mumble, Pohatu, Poison Dart, Rozzelle, Serenity, Serum, Shiver, Tahu, Tuhi

Due Dates:

Ages of members under 1 year old:
Born: August 15, Year 5
Age: 4 months 20 days
Parents: Tourniquet and Unknown Wild Mongoose

**Gali, Lewa, Pohatu, Tahu
Born: September 5, Year 5
Age: 4 months 1 day
Parents: Mata and Nuva (deceased), adopted by Laika and Barren (dispersed) and nursed by random females

**Bleach, Jonna, Poison Dart, Serum
Born: September 21, Year 5
Age: 3 months 15 days
Parents: Poison and Toxic

**Mumble, Fumble
Born: September 25, Year 5
Age: 3 months 11 days
Parents: Warpath and Tora

**Alexandra, Shiver
Born: September 25, Year 5
Age: 3 months 11 days
Parents: Kylee and Gethsemane

Born: September 25, Year 5
Age: 3 months 11 days
Parents: Cindy and Homestar

**Eclipse, Jazz, Serenity
Born: October 1, Year 5
Age: 3 months 5 days
Parents: London and Tuhi

Last edited by Temp on October 30th 2017, 9:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

October 28th 2017, 7:50 pm
(( I'm... not sure how long I'll keep them... but I'll TRY to see if they work for plots, I may be killing them off later. I'm going to play Alexandra, Kylee's daughter, and Honeybee, Cindy's daughter... and I'll play Mumble if Yosh doesn't want him. Otherwise I'll play Grumble xD IT'S FOR PLOTS SHHHHH Also, my plot with Moze will happen today, Poison's gonna raid the Villains xD ))

It shouldn't be a surprise that the first one who appeared above ground was the snow-white figure of Poison, the Lavas matriarch. She was never one to sit around, and with the drought as bad as it was, she had no intention of waiting for others to do her job for her. Such circumstances required action and dedication, and as cruel as she was, Poison was very passionate about ensuring the success of her mob. She'd come a long way from the ambitious little girl she'd been when she'd first killed Volcanopaw, and she wasn't as selfish as she used to be... not to say her selfishness was completely gone, however. It might be best if everyone stayed on her good side, though, because this whole drought business has put a lot of stress on her shoulders. Poison wasn't pregnant, but she didn't need hormones to go on a rampage. The Lavas were on thin ice, and she won't hesitate to get a little nasty if she feels the need. Luckily, evictions of any SERIOUS injuries are out of the question. Loathe as she is to admit it, Poison needs her members right now. She's been steadily developing more of a heart, where it suits her needs. She's taking her mother's advice, and is slowly becoming smarter when it comes to certain things. After all, Volcanopaw wasn't cruel ALL THE TIME, and Poison is becoming more like her... but she has a sadistic glee that her mother never possessed on the level that Poison has... The only exception to Poison's rage is her mate, Toxic (although not completely immune) and her special daughter, Poison Dart. She was very tender with her daughter, but not in the way Volcanopaw was with her. She's aware of her mother's mistakes, and doesn't wish to invite mutiny...

Nerves are running high all over the manor right now, and everyone was expecting Tuhi to be a wreck... but, while Poison was a bundle of anxiety, the russet male was probably happier than he'd been in his entire life. Of course he was worried about his mate and pups surviving another year, but there's an unmistakable change in Tuhi. His whole life is revolved around London and his three daughters, Eclipse, Jazz, and Serenity. He was so freaked out when London was giving birth that he had to be dragged out, but when the labor was over and her pups were clean and nestled safely at her side, his heart melted. Tuhi was worried about being a good father, but it was like instinct took over in that moment, and compared to the day he first came face to face with Volcanopaw, it was like he was an entirely different meerkat. He would always be sensitive and timid, but he finally found a way to conquer his fear: his family. It was because of them, and for their sakes, and he could be brave. But he never could have done it without London. He was cuddled up tenderly beside his sweetheart, their daughter Jazz between them - but, as the new parents had discovered, one of their daughters never sat still for long... she was quite the pawful, and had a rebellious streak. Tuhi is very overprotective of his pups, and as a result, it has made Jazz into a bit of a challenge child. Even worse, she's taken an unhealthy interest in Poison's pups...

Bleach is outside, grooming herself. She's too cool for the other pups, and would rather be independent. She acts aloof, but she's really a good meerkat... Unlike her siblings, Bleach isn't albino... she's near white, with white patches, although this is only evident in the shade.

Tahu is awake, with his siblings. He has a bad temper, can be pushy, and doesn't know the meaning of fear, but he's valiant and has tried to step up to care for his siblings, even when they insist that they don't need protecting... Lewa is sleeping. Tahu chuckles. Like Jazz, Lewa won't be still for long...

Venom is missing... Poison doesn't currently care, but if she knew her deformed daughter was in the Villains, she'd be pissed...
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

October 29th 2017, 9:47 am

Toxic was moderately late when emerging from the burrow. He wasn't the slightest bit of surprised to see his mate above ground first. For a while, it was usually him that emerged before the sun even showed.

The pampering life that he once thought would exist in leadership was faded when receiving a harsh reality check on just how hard life could really be. Be it that his dark-hearted mate continued to rub off on him, Toxic would always be deeply sentimental with family. He could handle leaving his mother and sisters, whom he hoped were still alive and well in this drought, but having pups of his own deepened his emotions. He knew Poison wasn't pleased with at least one of their children, but Toxic still loved them.

The death of Sauron was a terrible blow to him personally. The mysterious disappearance of Venom only added to this pain. He was, in short terms, a bundle of stress. He put an icepack on this wound by keeping his other pups close. The closest one to him would always be Serum, who looked like Poison's fiend mother, Volcanopaw, but acted just like him during the youth age. Innocent, goofy, thoughtful, ect.

When fully emerging, he gives his pups a nuzzle each, including his ever growing independent daughter, Bleach. He couldn't guess what the little girl would do, but he was secretly proud that she was this strong. It gave him hope.

After saying a greeting to his favorited members, he pulled up by Poison and groomed her, sensing that she was full of energy and most likely had plans to use it. For a while, Toxic has been wanting to produce another litter with her, but he knew that it wouldn't be smart while this drought existed. He would have to wait.

Serum peeps quietly next to Hope. He no longer felt sad over his brother's perish, but he could feel that his small sister was still alive out there. When his father emerges, his tail picked up with excitement. Toxic would always be a hero to Serum. He quickly follows the big white male and sits close by the opposite side of where Poison was. He was always cautious with his mother, but as for his father, he cuddled into the white fur, feeling safe.

Poison Dart sat near her mother, grumbling puppishly. Despite her young age, she was well aware that times were tough, causing her family to make desperate cut-backs and extra mile attempts just to merely eat enough every day. Sharing her mother's vulgar thoughts, she had the idea of attacking another group and stealing not most, but ALL of their rations. She dug her claws in the warm sand, taking a quick glimpse at her sister, Bleach. She was the only member that didn't respect her, and she knew that the same could be said for her. Fights were predictable, but they've mellowed out since the drought reached its worst. She brushed her personal frustrations away and returned her gaze to the early horizon.

Hope sat by herself, a little close to Bleach. She frowned when feeling Poison's violent energy, but did everything in her power to avoid it, even if it meant giving up a few meals a day. Every time she stared at the white queen for so long, her infamous facial scars would always pulse a memory of ancient pain through her resilient nerves. The merciless claws, the hellish fire-... She ruffled her fur and threw her mind on something else.

She was enjoying Serum's company. The pup acted angelic in spite of being offspring to the polar opposite and looking exactly like his grandmother. The two had exchanged grooming sessions before Toxic emerged, triggering the pup to go near daddy as he always did. Hope didn't mind. It still felt good to have someone who cared about her.

Firework sunned herself as far away from Poison as possible. She almost wore her claws down by rubbing them together in sheer frustration. Her adopted pup was missing and no one seemed to care. She had the obvious nerve to act out, but in such horrible conditions, she had to reserve her energy.

Jynx's interestingly long body was maturing. She was skinny and looked like she couldn't put up a good fight to save her life, but she was fast. She had convinced herself that this could come of use. Her long bushy tail wrapped around her body like she was cold at the moment. Seeing Toxic emerge, she knew that the day's plans would start real soon, and possibly a fight.
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

October 29th 2017, 8:47 pm
Rozzelle is up early and emerges. She keeps to herself, not noticing the brooding and potentially ominous expression on Poison's face. She has noticed that her leader's anxiety has been at an all-time high, and for good reason. This drought has proven to be disastrous to many nearby mobs, and the Lavas have faced their own struggles. I mean, for heaven's sake, there's only two adult males left in the group. And the drought has taken its toll on Rozzelle herself too. While most members have definitely grown lean due to the shrinking rations of available food, Rozzelle has become positively skinny. Her hip bones jut out and her ribs are becoming more and more visible. She's never been an expert forager, especially in part due to her aloof personality. It can be hard for her to focus on one task for too long, which makes focusing on finding one decent morsel a task that can take a while for Rozzelle. In her personal life, too, she has faced difficulties in the past months. Both her littermate Poppet and mother Kylee have disappeared, victims of the confusion and despair of the drought. Rozzelle was just starting to grow closer to them, too. But, in true Rozzelle nature, she remains blissfully cheerful in the face of so much negativity. She just continues on trucking and doing her own thing. In the early morning sun, she grooms herself and waits for the rest of the group to emerge.

Jonna is up next, emerging and taking a seat near Poison, but not close to Bleach, Poison Dart, or Serum. She adores her mother, even through the occasional fits of rage that erupt from her. She admires how strong and tough and cool Poison appears to be and desires to emulate that. That being said, Jonna doesn't necessarily have a mean streak - just a sassy, headstrong one helped in part by her self-seeking behavior and high ego. On the other hand, Jonna has grown to resent her own siblings. She just can't stand a single one of them. The separation is obvious not only in how they interact, but their physical appearance as well: her siblings (besides Serum) are all white-colored, while Jonna is normal-colored. Why did they have to be white? They don't deserve that color... they should be normal just like she is. Overall, even though there's been a few spats here and there, Jonna has been pretty good about just not associating with her siblings and avoiding them completely. She looks around, hungry and ready to get the day started.

Cindy is up after Jonna. She takes a nice, sunny spot, leaving room for her daughter Honeybee. The past few months have been very tough on Cindy, as well. She had to deal with the disappearance of her brother, Bobby, to whom she has always been quite close. She misses him dearly and worries for him, especially because he was suffering from depression before his disappearance. She will always hope that one day, they will be reunited... But in happier terms, she did give birth to her very own litter. As a first-time mom, Cindy definitely made (and makes) her fair share of mistakes. Her joy and elation turned to despair after the disappearance of her other two daughters, Killerbee and Bumblebee, during a foraging trip. She just wasn't keeping a close enough eye on them, and then they were just gone. Every day, she searches for them, using up precious energy reserves to try to find her lost children. They're worth it to her, and she won't give up hope, even if the likelihood is that they're not ever coming back. Despite the tragedy, she still has Honeybee, who she cares for greatly. She tries her best to learn from her mistakes and insure that Honeybee won't suffer the same fate as her other children. At 3 months of age, Honeybee is now a young juvenile and better equipped to look after herself to an extent, which has been a relief on Cindy. Too wrapped up in her own drama, Cindy hasn't really been paying attention to what's going on with Poison lately, which is weird because she was always close to Poison and in fact the only reason she has a daughter to begin with is that Poison wanted the mob to grow. But she's fine with living in her own little bubble within the Lavas for right now.

Gali wakes up with her siblings surrounding her. Through the loss of Onua, Kopaka, and adoptive parents Barren and Laika, she has grown closer to her three remaining brothers than ever before. Sure, they have their squabbles here and there like any normal siblings, but she is fiercely protective of them. At 4 months old, she is growing more mature and wiser every day (though of course she still has a long way to go). Growing up through a drought could easily leave her jaded, but instead Gali has grown to be intelligent and resourceful. She gives her siblings a quick nuzzle before heading above ground to greet the day.

Last edited by Temp on October 29th 2017, 11:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

October 29th 2017, 10:53 pm
((Serum is normal colored too :3))
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

October 30th 2017, 8:46 pm
OOC: You can play Mumble, Pan. I'm planning to play a couple characters here for now. May change my mind and bring in a new kat or two later on, who knows. Razz
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

November 5th 2017, 9:23 am
Still snuggled close to her family within the secure warmth of the burrow, London's life has been shockingly blissful as of late. Sure, the ongoing drought was an ever present worry in the back of her mind, but it was difficult to feel fearful for the future when so many things had finally gone right for her and Tuhi. It felt as if fate had decided they'd suffered enough and chosen to bless them with the most precious children London could have ever dreamed for. Jazz was growing up to be a bit of a handful, but it was nothing that London felt they couldn't continue to handle. She hadn't really considered that it might have been their coddling and sheltering of her that was the cause of their daughter's rebellious streak. London was still new to motherhood, though. She still had things to learn. After giving her pups some tender grooming to awaken them, she leaned over to nuzzle her beloved mate. Tuhi was such a great father, as she had known he would be. Gone was the timid pup who had first entered the Lavas. Now, London trusted him entirely with their children's lives, knowing that he adored them and would protect them just as she would, too.
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

November 21st 2017, 1:45 pm
Firework shifts her body, bringing herself further away from the other members. She knew exactly where Venom had been abandoned. She only wished that she was by the pup's side during the chaos. She truly didn't expect Poison to leave her, otherwise Firework would've made sure that she was never left. A growl escapes her gut. Firework looks back at the pale leaders. When she notices that they were distracted with each other, she slinks away. She wasn't leaving forever obviously, she was just going to find her pup.
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

November 22nd 2017, 4:30 pm
(( Eh, changed my mind with Mumble.  I'll do a better introductory post with Alexandra in my next post... ))

Unsurprisingly, Poison is unconcerned by her aunt's feelings, and her actions concerning her disabled daughter go far beyond her own.  She's quite certain that her mother Volcanopaw would have done the same thing, actually.  Growing up, she was taught that strong pups have precedence over weak pups.  Volcanopaw never killed Ivy; but given the choice, would she have looked for her, had she turned up missing? Probably not.  Besides, there are other things on Poison's mind now... like rival mobs.  The Lavas might actually stand a chance against the Linklus now, for example.  The drought has made everyone vulnerable, now, and it just might be the edge she's needed to gain an advantage over her brother's band of wannabes.  More than anything, however, she's particularly concerned by the Villains mob.  Unbeknownst to her, Poison has relatives in the Villains.  Meerkats like Rebe and Mzuri are actually Poison's aunts, and the Lavas only existed because Volcanopaw had been able to form a splinter from the Villains, but it's not like Poison would care anyway.  All she knew was that they had been bold enough to lead an attack on their family, and cost them a valuable potential warrior.  Poison was not the tolerant type, and was keen not to show any leniency towards their neighbors.  She would ultimately like to get revenge by killing some of their pups, but for now, the Lavas needed territory and she could send a valuable message by pressing their borders.  Perhaps they could mark the Linklus' land along the way, too.  Either way, she was getting a little impatient... ideally, she'd like to be able to fit in some foraging in there somewhere, but if everyone kept sleeping that wouldn't be possible...

As if on cue, the family cuddle session was interrupted when Jazz's eyes opened.  She gave a yawn as she stretched, before she chirped excitedly and pounced on mom.  Tuhi didn't usually let her out of his sights, unless London was keeping an eye on her, and as a result she wasn't usually allowed to go outside by herself, despite being 3 months old.  The hyper pup yipped, trying to wake everyone up, stepping over Serenity and Eclipse in the process.  Tuhi gave a light chuckle; his other two daughters weren't as excitable as Jazz, and her boundless energy reminded him a lot of his late sister, Candle, who was killed at the jaws of the Shadow Deaths so long ago.  She looked a lot like her aunt too, which was probably why he was even more protective of her than he already was of the others.  Jazz hadn't responded well to the treatment, unfortunately, and took every opportunity to rebel against her parents, even going as far as trying to be friends with Poison Dart... 

...and now was no exception, unfortunately.  Tuhi hardly had a chance to breathe before his energetic daughter snorted defiantly and left without waiting for an answer.  The rusty male sighed and cuddled up close to London.  He knew becoming a parent would pose its challenges, but he had been more worried about being able to protect them than being able to control them.  The harder he tried, the worse it seemed to get, but at least their makeshift family was still together, rather than shattered as London's, and even Tuhi's family had been.  He chrred sheepishly to London.  I guess we're going outside, then? They probably shouldn't keep Poison waiting anyway, and besides that, every second wasted cuddling was another moment lost foraging.  He had no idea that food wasn't the first thing on the white female's mind this morning...

Bleach gazed at Jonna hanging around her mother and snorted.  Bleach wasn't exactly mean... but she definitely danced to her own beat.  She was independent, and even aloof at times.  She was a nice meerkat, she just didn't have an interest in the other pups unless they were playing, and even then it had to be her own idea.  The only exception to the rule, of course, was her 'special' sister, Poison Dart... The drought was the only reason she was forcing herself to get along with her, but in truth the two of them shared a rivalry, and even if she acted like she didn't care that her sister got special treatment, she really did.  Bleach was determined to do things herself.  If she gets anything in life, she wants to have earned it.  But to have life handed to you, as if you're better than anyone else? That made her blood boil.  It didn't help that Poison didn't pay as much attention to Bleach her first couple weeks of life, when she was still healing.  She proved to be just as capable of her brothers and sisters, but it still didn't make a difference.  That was when she had decided that she would have to go her own way, somehow.  She was little now, but things would change someday... 

Like Jazz, it isn't long before Lewa is up and about, ready to greet the day.  Whenever he does finally fall asleep, he crashes, but all of his waking hours are spent being very energetic and outgoing.  No one knows where his boundless energy comes from, but it's clear that he's an immature pup with only two things on his mind: fun, and adventure.  He's not a pushover, however, and he's not afraid to stand up to the other pups if he has to.  He's also very close to his brothers and sister, even if he drives Tahu up a wall sometimes.  Tahu shares his brother's love for excitement, only he's all about the action, and loves a good tussle.  He's quite a bit more mature than Lewa, however, and can be a bit bossy sometimes.  He's got a good heart though, and won't stand for the other pups being picked on.  Unfortunately for Tahu, Poison feels it's in her best interest that a little aggression be permitted amoungst the pups. That's how SHE grew up, after all.  While Lewa bolts past Gali, Tahu takes his place beside her, offering a smile.

Alexandra is already awake, and above ground.  She looks around for her brother, Shiver.

Honeybee, on the other hand, is still asleep.  Or at least, she was, until her mother emerged.  It didn't take long for Honeybee to notice her mother's absence, and soon bounces outside to take her place by mom.  It's amazing that Honeybee is still alive, really.  As a pup, she was tiny and fragile, and almost seemed to have a hard time breathing.  She's been able to grow up into an average pup, although still very small, probably partly thanks to being the only pup left in her litter.  It hasn't, however, saved her from the rest of the pups. Honeybee is probably one of the lowest ranking out of all the pups.  She's very sweet and lively, but also very timid and weak in general.  She tries hard, but hasn't been able to make many friends so far, so tends to play by herself most of the time.  She tends to shadow her mother Cindy almost constantly, however, which has only made her more sheltered and shy.  Unfortunately in the Lavas, she's the kind of pup that tends to be weeded out as weak rather quickly.
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

November 23rd 2017, 10:47 am
A pale, meek figure was hesitantly sitting at the inner edge of the burrow's entrance way, watching as other meerkat entered and exit the sandy den.

Once it was clear, the young meerkat cautiously glanced out into the bright world before instantly ducking back. It wasn't too hard to just step outside... But he's intimidated whatever dangers loomed out there. A tiny, frustrated chirp escaped him, followed by a shaky intake of breath. Alexandra was probably already outside waiting for him. He didn't want to keep her waiting.
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

January 15th 2018, 11:54 am
ooc: I'm waiting for more replies before posting here. Did you want Poison to usher lead calls first? If it makes it any easier, pretend she did in my last post... or I'll do that now real quick.


It's time to get the ball rolling, so to speak, and Poison is tired of sitting still. Without a second thought, she barks sharply and stands up a little ways away from the burrow, waiting for others to follow. She had plans for today.
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

January 23rd 2018, 7:15 pm

Toxic immediately springs into action and follows his mate loyally. He trailed a bit behind her in a protective mode. He put his stress to the side, after all it did no good to sit and wallow.

Serum is startled by the sudden departure and nearly tumbles into the sand. Not wanting to be too far away from his parents, he follows with no signs of lagging behind, tail high in the air like his father's. He showed no hint of aggression or meanness in his blood, but whatever his father did, he in turn would perform as well.

Poison Dart snickers to herself and follows her mother, imitating every one of her movements. Was this the first time they were raiding someone's territory? It was! And it would be fun!

Hope sighs to herself and follows. What else was there to do? Nothing, of course. She could either go along with this or life could get even worse for her. She'd choose what was best for her own survival. Venturing off by herself and hoping for the best was out of the question. To her, the Lavas weren't who they used to be, but she'd take a group without Voldemort torturing the weaker members any day.. though she barely saw Poison as any better. But it was evident that the spoiled princess was learning things fast. Perhaps there was a bright hope for the group.

Jynx uncurls herself and follows quickly. She in no way wanted to do this, but there wasn't much of a choice. If there was to be a fight, she'd take no part. She knew her body was frail compared to the normal 'kat. She was beginning to realize that she wasn't like the others. At first she was ashamed, but when learning that her speed had no competition, she saw it as something that could come in handy.
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

January 31st 2018, 6:45 pm
Rozzelle gets up and follows Poison. As usual, she has no idea what's going on and just trots along after the leader blindly.

Jonna follows, piqued by the energy of the group. She can tell that Poison has something up her sleeve today. Wanting to show her mother that she can do whatever it is they're about to do, Jonna bounds to the front of the group and looks over at Poison with reverence.

Cindy gathers up Honeybee and follows more slowly. She knows Poison and can tell that they're about to go on a raid of another mob's territory. Normally Cindy is totally down with that, but she has to consider her young, fragile daughter. She keeps Honeybee close to her worryingly.

Gali follows, sticking close to her siblings.

OOC: short post is short
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

February 2nd 2018, 3:20 pm
Poison leads off the group, her tail high in the air. She's pleased to see Toxic at her side... she knew she could always count on him. She paused as they neared Linklu territory... she leaves a few quick scentmarks, but quickly turns around, and sits down, waiting for the group to follow suit. She wants to leave a message to the Linklus, but she doesn't intend to invade them today. There's something else on her agenda this morning...
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

March 18th 2018, 9:50 am
Toxic follows by, rubbing his flank on the area near where Poison left her invisible message. Serum puppishly scent marks, only because he was imitating his father; he had no clue what scent marking meant and who they were delivering the message to.

Poison Dart scent marks furiously like her mother and keeps her small tail raised, grinning.

Hope recognizes the Linklu scent and feels uneasy. She remembered the ferocious battle the two groups had that resulted in the death of Volcanopaw and the crowning of Poison. The grey memories send a chill through her and she keeps moving with Poison.
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

April 12th 2018, 2:13 am
(( Sorry this post isn't my best but I'll move things along in my next post.  ^^; After they leave I was hoping the Linklus could find their marker after a long time of not encountering the Lavas for drama xD))

Watching her son scent mark, Poison casts a clever eye.  She has no intentions of fighting with the Linklus today, so of course she wants to make this brief.  However, this might be a good learning experience for the more... naive youngsters in the Lavas.  She was already familiar with the concept of rival groups by their age, and had even witnessed her first battle.  This would be a good learning experience.  The albino female chirps, nudging her other remaining pups over near her favored daughter, Poison Dart.  She takes this a step further, however, nudging all the other pups in the group in the same direction, intent on teaching them a lesson on how the Lavas will be conducting themselves in the future.

Tuhi is a little dismayed at his daughters being taken from him and his unsuspecting mate, London, but even as a now overprotective father, this male still knows better than to even betray the slightest irritation to Poison, much less argue with her.  At first, he tries to follow, but a hostile glance from her intimidates him, and he scurries back to London, watching anxiously.  It would seem that Poison didn't want his cowardice rubbing off on them, at least for this particular lesson.  At least she isn't being directly aggressive towards him, as she has been in the past.

Poison waits for all of the pups to gather before explaining that they aren't the only meerkats living here in the desert... there are other meerkat mobs living around them.  These other meerkats, however, are not friendly... Outsiders... are enemies.  They're competition for food and other resources, and want to do the Lavas harm.  Some, like our rivals the Unspeakables, can actually be quite dangerous.  We can, however, fight back, steal land to ensure their survival, and in some cases, send a message.

Jazz tilts her head... What kind of message? The question was innocent enough, but Poison got a sort of gimmer in her eye... 

The kind that warns them that we're here... and that we're here to stay.  She smirks.  And more importantly... we are claiming this land.  We need to survive, and this is how we do it.  She turned to the mob, and barked boldly.  The Linklus were strong once... and we haven't seen them in at least a year.  I can't remember a single time when mother ever actually managed to defeat them, but their time is over.  Perhaps they've forgotten about us... but if they hope to cross paths with us again... there will be consequences.

She narrowed her eyes... yes... times were changing.  They had been for a while.  The golden era of the Linklus was over, and it was time to accomplish what her dear mother had never been capable of before her death... Poison would achieve what she could not.  Her foolish brother was undoubtedly thinking the same thing, but... the age of the Lavas began now.

She returned her attention to the mob.  Our youth will practice the essential task of scent marking, but after that, we are headed in a different direction... another mob took something from me a few months ago... it's time they paid for it!

There was a bloodlust in her eyes that made Tuhi shiver.  However, it was soon gone when she stared at the juveniles expectantly.  She remembered the burrow raid the Villains had led, but she hadn't forgotten the important task of training the next generation of warriors, either.  In the past few months, they had received some training, but this would be their first real test... Not to mention a great comeback for the Lavas and, if all went well, an opportunity for payback.
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

April 12th 2018, 2:34 pm
London tried very hard not to appear concerned when her and Tuhi's children were nudged away from them. Apparently their leader wished to teach the pups a lesson in mob politics, which shouldn't lead to any harm befalling her offspring, of course, but London didn't particularly like having her kids pulled away from her like that, and she liked it even less when Tuhi was told not to follow. Poison might have been the matriarch and the one in charge, but those were their kids. Tuhi should have at least been allowed to follow had he wanted to. Her jaw clenched, but she masked her irritation in strength and gave her mate a quick nuzzle of reassurance. Their pups would be fine. Poison was merely instructing them, the future of the mob, on how to mark territory. Poison wouldn't hurt them, and if she did... London mentally shook herself. She didn't dare to finish that thought. Instead, she smiled at Jazz, Eclipse, and Serenity from the sidelines, so that they might feel encouraged and know that she was proud of them should they meet her gentle gaze.
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

April 18th 2018, 6:30 pm
Rozzelle, for once, listened to Poison's speech to the juveniles intently. She bites her lip, a little anxious about what's to come. She certainly isn't a fighter, but she'll always do her best. Instead of worrying about what Poison has planned later, she knows she can appease her now by scent marking, so she starts to rub her side - well, really her ribs and hip bones - up and down a nearby log.

Cindy frowns. There are just so many young, inexperienced juveniles in the group right now, the first on her mind being her lone remaining daughter Honeybee. Scent marking and taking territory is okay, but anything further than that doesn't seem to be worth the risk. Normally, she'd be totally on board with whatever Poison had in mind but now that she's a mother she has to consider the safety of her child. Keeping her thoughts to herself and her expression neutral, she goes over to Honeybee. Did you get all that? Here's how to scent mark - do it like this. She smiles at her daughter and demonstrates the best way to leave one's scent behind.

Eager to do anything to please Poison, Jonna immediately begins attempting to scent mark a nearby rock. The news of enemies all around them is a little surprising, but she doesn't really fully understand yet. All she knows is that Poison really doesn't like them, so she doesn't either.

Gali shivers a little bit at Poison's decree. Where are they headed after this? Will there be a fight? She is normally really brave, but the prospect of a battle is a little alarming. She just tells herself to keep a strong, clear mind and everything will be alright.
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

April 19th 2018, 10:18 am
Toxic feeds off his mate's passionate energy. Even when living in the Kitties, he knew of a large mob that ruled over most the land. The Linklus were a force to be reckoned with, though they weren't considered "savage"; It was just that they had the numbers needed to fend off any enemy that threw themselves their way. It also didn't hurt to have a dominant male that was a giant compared to your average 'kat. Toxic had only witnessed Thunder once, back in the short time when he was a rover, but all it took was one glance of the Linklu mob to understand that they deserved respect.

But what about now? With the drought wiping out over half the population in this land, it wouldn't be amiss to assume that the Linklu had suffered, just like every one else; Possibly more so than the other groups. When a mob was large in size, it requires plenty of food just to keep everyone healthy and active. There was no way the Linklu went without suffering from this plague...

Toxic was obviously unaware that the Linklu mob had lost a very crucial member... But he was with his mate on this; The time of Lavas had come. He may have hated Volcanopaw at one point, but now, continuing her legacy almost seemed like an honor. He vowed to himself that he and Poison's next litter would survive one-hundred percent. He wouldn't let any more of his pups perish.

It was bad enough that some already had...

Serum stands up on his hind legs, attempting to look at the surroundings miles away. Everything almost seemed like a big sand bowl. He couldn't believe that there were any other meerkats out there, and he certainly had no idea that they'd be considered a big threat to him; He was too innocent. He was excited about this "adventure", but had no idea about his mother's intentions.

Poison Dart snorts at her small brother, feeling disgusted that she was related to him. If he was someone else's pup, she may think of him as cute in a harmless way, but being that he was her littermate, she saw him as a defect that fell out of Poison. She had the impulse to bully him, but the group was struggling too badly to waste energy. She keeps her tail high in the air, copying her mother's every move.

Jynx's head turns in many direction in only a minute. The slightest noise has her unnerved. But all for the sake of pleasing her dark leader, she begins to scent-mark, though does a poor job.

Hope scent-marks with her "good" side. It was the first time she's ever done anything like this, but this age proved to be all about uncomfortable changes. She wished to be next to Serum, but he was near his parents, and she wouldn't dare go near them. So she goes next to London and Tuhi, one of the few kind members of the group. They reminded her of some of the old Lavas members that helped care for her when she was only a pup. A fragment of her refused to leave the past, and eventually she again wished that Volcanopaw was still alive, and that some of the members didn't run off or join the Linklus after that last battle...
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

April 21st 2018, 11:20 pm
Unlike her sister Jazz, Serenity was, surprisingly, a well behaved pup. She rarely got into trouble and mostly avoided conflict if she could. She listened to Poison and blinked her curious blue eyes. Scent... marking..? She tilted her head as she watched the others attempting it. She decided to try it herself, as she did not want to get on Poison's bad side... And not to worry her parents, as well. She was a bit clumsy with it, but regardless, managed to complete it. She blinked and tilted her head, did she do it right..? She wasn't sure, but looked around herself, wondering how the others were holding up.

Pohatu was looking unamused. What was the point of this..? He sighed but decided to follow up and began to try and scent mark... It didn't seem too hard, he had seen the adults do it... Unlike Serenity, he did it just fine. He sat down and watched the rest, briefly grooming his now scarred side. Since that burrow invasion, Pohatu had changed. He was slightly more wary. That day taught him a lot... That, something like that could happen again. Sure, it had been months since then... But he had swore to himself he would be ready if such a thing happened again...

Fumble was taken in by Poison's words... Wow, she sounded SO COOL! As a hyper and easily impressed little one, Fumble wasted no time trying out scent marking. She was easily impressionable, too. She wanted to be "cool" and looked at as a valued member of the mob. Much like Serenity, her scent marking was... less than ideal. She wasn't called "Fumble" for a reason, she often did that... Fumble about. She wasn't always the lightest on her paws. As she kept trying, she slipped and fell right face first into the sand. She gagged a bit, spitting out sand. But she recovered quickly and re-attempted the scent marking. She wasn't the type to mope for long, she would keep trying until she got it right!

For a certain female... Garnet had been slowly getting better. While she still had a limp in her walk thanks to her crooked front paw, she felt... kinda good. Maybe it was because of the explosion of pups in the recent months... She adored each and every one of them. Often babysitting since she felt it was her calling... Deep down, she wished to have pups to call her own. But... it was a bold dream in this mob. However, she watched as the little ones try scent marking. Some were good, others... maybe with some help, they could improve. But she was hoping Poison would be easy on those who were struggling. She flinched when Fumble fell, but sighed in relief as she got back up as if nothing happened. She couldn't help but feel a little proud. Watching the little ones. She hoped they'll grow into strong adults, able to help out... She looked at the sky, deciding to make sure no birds of prey were around. Last thing they needed was a surprise attack.
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

April 22nd 2018, 12:39 am
Tuhi glanced over at Hope with a smile, and offered her a friendly chirp.  She was several months older than he was, and he wasn't there to witness the early history between Hope and Poison, but Tuhi had been in the Lavas long enough to know that the two of them did not get along.  More importantly, Tuhi knew that Hope was one of the few meerkats in the Lavas that he could trust.  He was quite happy to have her at his side; perhaps he should have made an effort to interact with her sooner, but better now than never, as they say.  Besides, it was a nice distraction; they weren't attacking to Linklus, but battles had always been difficult for Tuhi, after experiencing one at such a young age.  The last time he had fought one, he had passed out several times due to the stress, not helped by the fact that both Violet and Amira had nearly died.  A lot had changed for Tuhi since then, and he was a lot better at controlling his fear, but only when they came face to face with the Villains would it become clear how well he could cope with the heat of battle.  Not just that, but Poison had made it clear that she expected the pups to take part, too.  Ever since they had been born, Tuhi wanted nothing more than to protect his three daughters.  But he couldn't protect them forever... not in the Lavas.  He could only hope that his paternal instincts and love for his family was stronger than his binding fear.  The thought terrified him, but trying to regain his composure, he returned his attention to Hope, although his fear was quite apparent.  He was trying to hide it, but he was still a little shaky.  Another sign of his nervousness was how he scooted closer to London, a habit at this point.  Nonetheless, Tuhi offered Hope another smile.  I know we don't talk much, but... h-hi.

Quite unlike her kindhearted parents, Jazz was an action-loving pup who loved the exciting atmosphere created by the apprehension of a possible battle.  Dangerous things caught her interest, much to the dismay of her parents, especially her father.  This was only made worse by overprotective they could be, but the idea of meeting and possibly fighting outsiders was an interesting idea she was looking forward to witnessing.  She tries her best to mimic the adults, throwing her side at the bushes, but admittedly isn't very good at it.  But she will be, someday.

Lewa, always adventurous and eager, also partakes in the scent marking with enthusiasm.  He's not quite the daredevil that Jazz is, but he's no good at sitting still.  It's something to do, at least! He doesn't quite understand what it means to fight yet, aside from the squabbles the pups got into...

Alexandra, eager to prove she's not just useless orphan, quickly joins in as well.  With so many pups, it was easy to be forgotten, especially when you don't have parents.  But much like her mother, aside from her interactions with her brother Shiver, she could be selfish and ambitious at times, and she wasn't going to be forgotten...

Tahu nudges Gali slightly.  He's not usually the sentimental type, but if nothing else, Tahu is loyal to his siblings, even if it had gotten him into some trouble with the other pups in the past.  He'll be there for his sisters and brothers - especially since their parents weren't.

Bleach begins copying her mother, although it's quite obvious that she doesn't want to.  She knows better than to disobey mom, but that doesn't mean she has to like it.  The idea of possibly fighting other meerkats, however (she was able to pick that up; Bleach was independent, but not stupid) was exciting enough to capture her attention.  More than anything, however, she wanted to best her dear sister, Poison Dart.

Honeybee is unsure, but timidly starts to mimic her mother, Cindy.

(( ooc: I'll post with Poison next, after I clarify the plot details so we know what's going to happen.  We do need to decide who's going to win the battle.  I'd like the Lavas to win for once, but it doesn't need to be today.  However, she'll probably try to attack someone the next rp day if they lose. And her need for revenge will only grow. ))
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

May 6th 2018, 8:27 pm
OOC: It's weird because Lavas seem to have more members but there's also 17 members under 1 year old. I personally don't mind who wins either way though lol.
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

June 1st 2018, 7:32 am
((ooc: I'm fine with them winning. I'll bring Firework back and have her notice Venom.))
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

August 5th 2018, 10:04 am
Poison glances over in the direction of the Linklus, and glares slightly.  She hopes they get her message before the scent wears off.  Poison meant business, and it was best that their neighbors learned that now.  Just because Volcanopaw was gone didn't mean that the Lavas weren't a threat anymore, and it was time for everyone to realize that.  With a small snort, Poison let off lead calls and turned towards Villain territory, a fire in her eyes as the thought of spilling their blood brought a sinister smile to her face.  Or, in the very least, stealing their food to ensure the Lavas' survival...

Tuhi smiles at Hope, but only briefly.  Once he sees Poison changing direction, immediately he freezes.   He's anxious, and it's obvious to anyone who comes within a few feet of him.  He's not a fighter, but he may have to be if his family is going to stay here.  In any case, becoming a father has awakened something in the rusty male, and although he's trembling, he presses his nose to each of his daughters, and nudges London.  He's grown a lot since that fateful day last July, and he will do whatever it takes to keep his family safe, no matter how nervous he gets.
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January 6, Year 6 - Lavas Empty Re: January 6, Year 6 - Lavas

August 16th 2018, 8:06 am
Toxic follows obediently. This would be his first battle with another group. He's only seen one in his life; when Lavas invaded Kitties territory back when he was a pup. The thought still irked him, but being one with the Lavas induced a morbid excitement, almost like a young, rebellious action. But this was a tad different—this was a fight. He was prepared. He made sure his pups were close by, and stuck to his mate

Poison Dart trailed behind Poison, her head held high and regally.

Serum is close enough to touch his father's tail. Already he could sense something violent and grows weary, but keeps following.
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